Learning 6 tech tools to solve problems for companies
March 2021
I'm currently involved in a 12-month accelerated career development program called Discover Praxis.
A valuable skill the program develops in its participants is the value-creation mindset. This mindset means that an employee goes above and beyond to create value for their company, without waiting for someone to nudge them to do it.
My challenge during the first four weeks of the Praxis program was to learn and use various tech software to solve a company's problems. The videos below demonstrate how I would use each tech tool to benefit a company — putting the value-creation mindset into practice.
Skills developed
Identify possible problems in a company and finding tangible solutions
Learning independently and efficiently
Knowledge in operating softwares commonly used in companies
Applying the value-creation mindset to create meaningful work
Fundamental use in Google Sheets, Mailchimp, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Drift, Asana, & Google Calendar
Google Sheets for Petal Card
Drift for Proven Skincare
Google Calendar & Asana for organization
Mailchimp for Pilot Bookkeeping
LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Stripe