During the month of May 2021, I'm intensively working to launch my home cupcake business, 'Phoebe's Cupcake Treasures'. My main focus will be on social media marketing and managing the business' finances. The entire project is a massive and exciting challenge, since I'll be learning a ton of entrepreneurial skills and monetizing my baking passion. This blog post is one aspect of my project. Please click here to see the rest of it!
What I accomplished
The final week of my month-long project was when I fully got the hang of operating my social media management and bookkeeping systems. Since my tasks for social media and bookkeeping are ongoing, this week was a continuation of the previous week’s work.
Continued to post social media content using Preview
Determined selling prices of my products using Google Sheets
Did more research about accounting and copywriting
Documented what I learned about social media copywriting (blog post here)
Preview app feed

Product Cost Calculator
NOTE: To protect private information about my business, most of the spreadsheet data has been removed from the file above.
What I learned this week
It’s ok to change plans
Looking back at my initial project plan, I ended up scrapping a few tasks and replacing others with something else. For example, I didn’t write a sales policy as I found that it’s unnecessary in the early stage of my business.
Fundamental accounting and bookkeeping principles
Accounting is an aspect of my business that I really enjoy. I spent this week researching more into the topic and learned about key performance indicators. As I have more bookkeeping records, I plan to apply my knowledge on KPIs to analyse business performances.
Writing copy for Instagram and Facebook posts
I also researched copywriting to learn the fundamental principles and tactics, which I applied to write more compelling captions for social media posts.
Final thoughts
That’s a wrap on my 28-day project! The past month has been a crazy challenge for me, but equally a valuable learning experience. I’m super passionate about business, so I’m thrilled to have taken on this challenge as I’ve developed many entrepreneurial skills. Whilst this week marks the end of my project, it is definitely not the end of my business venture. As my cupcake business is a passion of mine, I’m going to keep working on it as a side hustle to grow it and learn more as I go.
Thank you for following my journey over the past month!
Click here to see my week 1 update.
Click here to see my week 2 update.
Click here to see my week 3 update.
Click here to see the rest of my project!